Fill out the form below to be matched with another participant in town. We'll be in touch when we've found a match for you! Feel free to meet up in a public space to talk, find a service project under "Get Involved, Groups," or get creative in your quest for combating bigotry in our community. What you do is entirely up to you.
We've partnered with Milwaukee Volunteer Center to bring you the most up-to-date opportunities. Get matched with an individual or organization today!
"Lunch Hours Against Hate" is an easy way for co-workers and students to make time to work for peace in the community. Learn more about the initiative below!
As an additional resource, our Hours Against Hate "downloads" section allows teachers, HR directors, parents and other adults to self-lead a lunch hour program wherever they see fit.
*For schools looking to partner together to participate in Hours Against Hate, limited funding is available for transportation. Please email for more information.